
When a rescue from southern Missouri contacted us in July of 2022 about a blind cat that was found as a stray, we knew we had to take action. Rosie was found with a bulging eye that had to be immediately removed however, the vet who performed the enucleation gave her no antibiotics and most surprisingly, no pain meds. Our eye specialist was able to see her immediately and get her much more comfortable. Her remaining eye has gone sightless but she is not in pain.

She was unsurprisingly cranky when she arrived, but she’s now mellowed and has discovered the top of the dryer is the coziest place for a snooze. She gets around well and never misses meals. She’s an affectionate girl with incredibly soft, rabbit-like fur. We love her 5” tail that kinks to the right. It’s likely a birth defect.

Rosie is Sponsored!

Thank you Nadine Sewak for sponsoring Rosie!

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